Dear Maggie, You have a gift. Please share it.

Hi Maggie,

Thanks for the virtual coffee last week - it was great to see you again! Right after our chat, I rolled into my next online meeting as the CEO of my company shared a "state of the union" via a company-wide zoom meeting.

The contrast was striking.

Everyone in the "room" had a sense of dread and anxiety about the uncertainty we are all facing, but the facilitation was frankly terrible. You taught us that all meetings must have a purpose, and I kept asking myself... what is the purpose of this? Why are we here? Are we closing? Is the CEO telling us we are closing???

We never found out. I think they just wanted us to feel "included" in the uncertainty, and that's how I felt. More uncertain and anxious afterwards. Even less able to do our work than before. 

It was a meeting without a purpose, with no direction or cohesion. People's unmuted microphones stealing the "show," with mixed use of the chat, with very few people on video (and some on video cooking or on a backyard swing!!!). 

Many voices were not heard at all.

I have put a bug in the CEO's ear to take your next training, because I know it could have been better - even if the news had been "we're closing" it could have been delivered in a thoughtful way that felt purposeful. As it is, I'm dreading next week's check in, and hopeful my CEO will reach out to you shortly.

You have a gift. Please share it.


Photo by Logan Weaver on Unsplash
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